Emagine Impact
Emagine Content is proud to sponsor causes that assist a wide variety of beneficiaries as part of our social responsibility as artists to use our brand to advocate and use our voices to our advantage to improve the world. As adopted into our business model, Emagine strives for diversity, inclusion, and wellness.

Social responsibility
Emagine Content impacts the industry by organzing various methods of events and campaigns to use our voices to the fullest. Partnering with different beneficiaries, venues, masterminds, and industry professionals we are able to elevate our campaigns and give back to a meaningful cause.
Team Emagine has been assisting with a variety of beneficiaries including the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Fuck Cancer, New York Women in Film & Television (NYWIFT), and #HashTagLunchBag.

Emagine Content first major industry summit sponsorship partnering with our client Erman Baradi. This summit had a variety of top women executives in the industry benefiting the Alliance of Women Directors (AWD) and working with one of our beneficiaries, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Speakers included were Jordanna Guarino (Director of MARVEL Television), Kristen Murtha (Production Executive of Warner Bros), Kira Snyder (Producer for "The Handmaid's Tale"), Tamara Becher (Co-Executive Producer of Netflix's "Daredevil"), and Rodney Barnes (Co-Executive Producer of MARVEL's "Runaways").